
KACHI Agri Micro Finance

Promoting digital financial inclusion for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development (PARD) by targeting small scale farmers, the youth, women, the retrenchees, retirees in rural areas


Providing digital payments platforms for de-risk lending

Kachi Agri Micro Finance is an agriculture entity promoting digital financial inclusion for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development (PARD) by targeting small scale farmers, the youth, women, the retrenchees, retirees in rural areas by Linking them to electronic Warehouse Receipts (eWHR’s) for financing inputs, mechanization & agro processing.

In return we accept repayments of our loans in form of agricultural produce i.e. grain from our clients once they have harvested at a prior agreed price and the farmers will be free to sell what remains on the open market.

Products & Services


















digital payments platforms



“Providing digital payments platforms for de-risk lending”

In this project financial banks such as ABSA, NATSAVE, ,ZICB or UBA will avail prepaid cards to the beneficiaries (vulnerable women and youth led cooperatives), that will be used to access funds through Aid for TradeTM booths and swiped at any POS machines for agriculture inputs and payments operated by Kachi Agri Micro Finance cloud agriculture financing.

Micro financing remains a vital source of capital for agricultural producers. Initiatives such as out growers Input Support Scheme, a Kachi Agriculture Micro Finance’s risk-sharing programme in Zambia, have leveraged technology to develop new ways to provide loans to farmers such as through the “Aid for TradeTM” platform linked to commercial banks and markets.

We provide financial inclusion through one of our products under the Aid for Trade whereby smallholder agriculture loans are accessible to small scale farmers on a prepaid plastic Visa as a digital financial service in partnership with NGOs, financial institutions, insurance firms, pension and commercial banks

Aid for Trade will be linked to kiosks with mobile banking and payments features designed to manage or drastically cut transaction costs, facilitate
access to financial services such as insurance, savings and credit. In addition, Aid for TradeTM digital financial services will generate data to help our investors and lenders de-risk their offering by better understanding small-scale farmers and the rural economy. Ultimately this will improve information about a borrower’s intentions and ability to repay their loans, psychometric technology will be used in various communities and biometric technology will also be used as a cost-effective way of applying ‘Know Your Customer’ requirements when enrolling rural clients who often do not have identification documentation.”




  • Individual farmers (mainly youths and women)
  • Cooperatives of women (involving 60% women & 40% youth)
  • SMEs
  • NGOs
  • Churches
  • Educational Institutions
  • Research Institutions
  • Relief agencies (refugee camps)
  • Orphanages


Schweizer Agriculture’ access to finance entity Kachi Agriculture Micro Finance Ltd, Oasis Asset and Fund Managers Pty Ltd which is a project management and development entity of Schweizer Agriculture has entered into an agreement with ZISC General Insurance to provide access microinsurance to cover crop like livestock, grains, legumes and goods in transit in support of small scale farmers.

Aid for Trade™


Aid for Trade is linked to kiosks with mobile banking and payments features designed to manage or drastically cut transaction costs, facilitate
access to financial services such as insurance, savings and credit.

In addition, Aid for TradeTM digital financial services will generate data to help our investors and lenders de-risk their offering by better understanding small-scale farmers and the rural economy.

Ultimately this will improve information about a borrower’s intentions and ability to repay their loans, psychometric technology will be used in various communities and biometric technology will also be used as a cost-effective way of applying ‘Know Your Customer’ requirements when enrolling rural clients who often do not have identification documentation.”

To apply for a loan please fill in the form attached hereby



  • Cholwe Kagoli, B. Econ – Managing Director
  • Cosmas Katunta, BAcc, CIMA -Chief Financial Officer
  • Morgan Busuma, Dip.FM, LZICA – Non-Executive Director
  • Victor Musonda Katembula, ZICA, ACCA – Non Executive Director
  • Mebby Chikwete, FCCA, AZICA, MBA – Non-Executive Director


  • Duane Herholdt, Chairman
  • Cholwe Kagoli, B. Econ – Managing Director
  • Mebby Chikwete, FCCA, AZICA, MBA
  • Cosmas Katunta, BAcc, CIMA – Chief Financial Officer
  • Morgan Busuma, Post.Grad.Dip.FM, LZICA – Chief Operations Officer
  • Annie C Chikapa, DipCIPS – Credit & Compliance Officer

Climate Risk Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Consortium (CLIMARC)'s access to finance

In the picture above, the Minister of Tourism, Hon. Rhodine Sikumba MP is encouraging the Climate Risk Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience Consortium (CLIMARC)’s access to finance economic analyst Ms. Malone Chanda at Kachi Agriculture Micro Finance Ltd to consider joining hands with government, by encouraging small scale farmers under their database to take advantage of financial outlays being provided by Community Development Funds (CDF) and Citizensship Economic Empowerment Commission (CEEC).

He advised that combining efforts with these two entities would boost rural financial inclusion to the benefit of women and the youths, whose inclusiveness efforts with commercial institutions thus yielding positive results.
He further advised that working with these public institutions, small scale farmers and rural based community businesses would benefit from cheaper sources of funding, coupled with adaptation to good business practices that are taught by Kachi Agriculture Micro Finance Ltd such as record keeping, transparency, accountability, skills development for women and youths in business, improved saving culture and food security initiatives.
Kachi has recently been approached by a third largest Cooperative bank in Europe which has been in existance for the last 130 years, to consider providing intermediary services to small scale farmers in Zambia in support of ten (10) portifolio commodities being supported by CLIMARC in the following value chains: cattle, dairy, apiaryculture, poultry, aquaculture, piggery, cereals, maize, legumes and horticultural cultivation.

When fully implemented, these initiatives will collectively impact 340, 000 small scale farmers directly and more than 1 million people indirectly in rural Zambia.

For Kachi Agriculture Micro Finance Limited’ services and products visit our website for further information:



Pomoting digital financial inclusion for Poverty Alleviation and Rural Development (PARD)

Get in touch

Head Office
St. Eugene Office Park
Plot # 37/1P Lake Road, Box 320009
M: +260 977 804 902, +260 967 922 113 and +260 970 759 630
E: info@kachiagrifinance.co.zm

Climate Change & Risk Mitigation
Ms. Kangwa Muke,
Key Account Specialist
E: kangwa.muke@kachiagrifinance.co.zm

Customer Care & Business Development
Ms. Charity Phiri,
Trainee-Customer Care & Business Development
E: charity.phiri@kachiagrifinance.co.zm

Copyright © 2021 Kachi Agri Micro Finance. All rights reserved.

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It is acknowledged by the reader that the information to be furnished in this corporate profile is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of the same by the reader may cause serious harm or damage to KAMF.

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